This is the story of turning challenges into triumphs. This is the story about a lifetime of perseverance. This is the story of Dr. George Simkins Jr.

Dr. Simkins Jr. would not only integrate Gillespie Golf Course in Greensboro, NC, he would go on to help integrate city pools, tennis facilities, hospitals and more. His actions inspired the Greensboro sit-ins — the non-violent protests that would spread across the nation. And it all started with a round of golf and 6 men with $4.50 and Change. 

Now more than ever in our nation’s history, the passion and perseverance displayed by Dr. Simkins Jr. and his friends need to be taught, learned and amplified. The goal of $4.50 & Change is to do just that while inspiring others to continue fighting for the greater good. Because every effort, no matter how big or small, makes all the difference.

Connect with us: 450andchange | [email protected]